Vipers Basketball Club Awards
Winter 2023 Finalists
2022 Summer Awards
Nick Mallen
Vipers Basketball 2022 Coach of the Year 🥇
Blair Webster
Vipers Basketball 2022 Club Member of the Year ⭐️
Kenton Proctor
Coaches Award - U9 Vipers
Brooklyn Poh-Howell
Coaches Award - U9 Lakers
Hayden James
Coaches Award - U9 Cobras
Archer Stevenson
Coaches Award - U9 Venom
Hugo Campbell
Coaches Award - U9 Mambas
Olivia Drakes
Coaches Award - U11 Girls Vipers
Bree Aucoin
Coaches Award - U11 Girls Venom
Teo Baron Le Signor
Coaches Award - U11 Boys Vipers
Samuel Gestier
Coaches Award - U11 Boys Lakers
Lucas Foweraker
Coaches Award - U11 Boys Venom
Henry Allgood
Coaches Award - U11 Boys Python
Beau Hancock
Coaches Award - U11 Boys Cobras
Chase Martin
Coaches Award - U11 Boys Python
Braxton Mc Conchie
Coaches Award - U11 Boys Taipans
Siena Adamson
Coaches Award - U13 Girls Vipers
Sabre McGuinness
Coaches Award - U13 Girls Cobras
Kailey Collins
Coaches Award - U13 Girls Lakers
Hamilton Ding
Coaches Award - U13 Boys Vipers
Riley Bisiker
Coaches Award - U13 Boys Anacondas
Sebastian Loctenberg
Coaches Award - U13 Boys Cobras
Josh Hancock
Coaches Award - U13 Boys Venom
Isaiah Mendoza
Coaches Award - U13 Boys Mambas
Kayd Reeves
Coaches Award - U13 Boys Taipans
Zac Piper
Coaches Award - U13 Boys Boas
Tait Rykers-Hollier
Coaches Award - U13 Boys King Browns
Will Greenway
Coaches Award - U13 Boys Adders
Ollie Keane
Coaches Award - U13 Boy Pythons
Ky McMurray
Coaches Award - U13 Boy Rattlers
Michael Koulouvas
U13 Boys Diamondbacks
Danteh De Zoysa
Coaches Award - U13 Boys Serpents
Eden Rees
Coaches Award - U15 Girls Vipers
Ella Hill
Coaches Award - U15 Girls Lakers
Sharleigh Korevaar
Coaches Award - U15 Girls Venom
Denzyl Bianchin
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Vipers
Ason Maschotta
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Venom
Jack Hobart
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Adders
Ryder Mendoza
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Anacondas
Reuben Ashby
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Lakers
Jai Byrd
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Cobras
Caleb Lee
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Taipans
Harrison Webeck
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Rattlers
Levi Orchard
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Mambas
Lucas Flood
Coaches Award - U15 Boys King Browns
Jaxon Campbell
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Serpents
Evyatar Frenkel
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Boas
Lachlan Edwards
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Copperheads
Josh Kapp
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Pythons
Nathan Clark
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Diamondbacks
Jack Gray
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Fangs
Andre Gray
Coaches Award - U15 Boys Basilisks
Parthiv Sivakumar
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Vipers
Trae Parmenter
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Rattlers
Cody Buratowski
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Mambas
Xavier McCarthy
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Pythons
Clark Hayden-Smith
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Taipans
Jacob Martin
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Anacondas
James Jackson
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Adders
Connor Mitchell
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Venom
Jake Bryan
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Cobras
Cullen Farrell
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Boas
Max Collins
Coaches Award - U17 Boys Diamondbacks
Callum Marlow
Coaches Award - U21 Boys Vipers
Alexandros Petridis-Alvanos
Coaches Award - U21 Boys Cobras
Toby Jenness
Coaches Award - U21 Boys Mambas
Judd Martiensen
Coaches Award - U21 Boys Lakers
Klaice Sifatu
Coaches Award - U21 Boys Venom
Taj Grey
Coaches Award - U21 Boys Taipans
2022 Winter Awards
Ash Carr
Most Valuable - U9 Vipers
Isla McLennan
Most Improved - U9 Vipers
Jordan Hoi
Most Valuable - U9 Laker
Ambar Hack-Montes
Most Improved - U9 Lakers
Ivy Steiffenhofer
Most Valuable - U11 Girls Vipers
Jasmine Ding
Most Improved - U11 Girls Vipers
Aerin McLennan
Most Valuable - U11 Girls Lakers
Georgie Andrews
Most Improved - U11 Girls Lakers
Dusty Barker
Most Valuable - U11 Boys Vipers
Anton Bek
Most Improved - U11 Boys Vipers
Jake Finlayson
Most Valuable - U11 Boys Venom
Connor Gordon
Most Improved - U11 Boys Venom
Oscar Lin
Most Valuable - U11 Boys Cobras
Charlie Dini
Most Improved - U11 Boys Cobras
Toby Peters
Most Valuable - U11 Boys Lakers
Denzel De Zoysa
Most Improved - U11 Boys Lakers
Armani Moses
Most Valuable - U13 Girls Vipers
Xara Woolf
Most Improved - U13 Girls Vipers
Ryley Tobias
Most Valuable - U13 Girls Lakers
Avrora Butova
Most Improved - U13 Girls Lakers
Cooper McGregor
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Vipers
Hamilton Ding
Most Improved - U13 Boys Vipers
Daniel Teagle
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Lakers
Kade Parmenter
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Venom
Sam Pikunic
Most Improved - U13 Boys Venom
Eli Bannister
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Anacondas
Jaxson Herlihy
Most Improved- U13 Boys Anacondas
Zimo Yang
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Cobras
Cruz Towler
Most Improved - U13 Boys Cobras
Ethan Wang
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Boas
Rhys Jordan
Most Improved - U13 Boys Rattlers
Lucas Song
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Rattlers
Zy Benson
Most Improved- U13 Boys Rattlers
Zach Howlett
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Mambas
Takahiro Holwell
Most Improved - U13 Boys Mambas
Shepherd Leu
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Taipans
Jack Ludbrook
Most Improved - U13 Boys Taipans
Kobe Wright
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Pythons
Ryan Scuderi
Most Improved - U13 Boys Pythons
Kaleb Lambert
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Adders
Xander Bell
Most Improved - U13 Boys Adders
Cooper Kattenberg
Most Valuable - U13 Boys Diamondbacks
Horace Ku
Most Improved - U13 Boys Diamondbacks
Daisy Hutton
Most Valuable - U15 Girls Vipers
Mali Witt
Most Improved - U15 Girls Vipers
Sophie Stutchbury
Most Valuable - U15 Girls Lakers
Erin Collins
Most Improved - U15 Girls Lakers
Isla Simpson
Most Valuable - U15 Girls Cobras
Malachai Tomlinson
Most Valuable - U15 Girls Cobras
Ayden Merrylees
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Vipers
Denzyl Bianchin
Most Improved - U15 Boys Vipers
Billy Dawe
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Venom
George Markopoulos
Most Improved - U15 Boys Venom
Sterling Whyatt
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Lakers
Oliver Mallen
Most Improved - U15 Boys Lakers
Levi Cauiane
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Cobras
Ash Woolnough
Most Improved - U15 Boys Cobras
Ben Woolard
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Anacondas
Rhys Carkeet
Most Improved- U15 Boys Anacondas
Johnathon Button
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Adders
Tadhg Allen
Most Improved - U15 Boys Adders
Issac Viner
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Rattlers
Elwood Eve
Most Improved - U15 Boys Rattlers
Oscar Sanders
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Taipans
Charley Jones
Most Improved - U15 Boys Taipans
Harrison Davis
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Mambas
Lachlan Moscow
Most Improved - U15 Boys Mambas
Ryan Widdison
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Boas
Kobi Daniel
Most Improved - U15 Boys Boas
Oliver Jenkins
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Pythons
Leroy Wurth
Most Improved- U15 Boys Pythons
Oddy Alvanos
Most Valuable - U15 Boys Diamondbacks
Ryan Halmarick
Most Improved - U15 Boys Diamondbacks
Max Dunn
Most Valuable - U15 Boys King Browns
Cooper Clark
Most Improved - U15 Boys King Browns
Zai Millane
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Vipers
Logan Petricevich
Most Improved - U17 Boys Vipers
Marley Enders-Green
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Lakers
Sam Mattress
Most Improved - U17 Boys Lakers
Bohdi Bielamowicz
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Cobras
Kobe Kennedy
Most Improved - U17 Boys Cobras
Liam Mallen
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Rattlers
Kaelen Cross
Most Improved - U17 Boys Rattlers
Christian Scartozzi
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Mambas
Preston Cavanagh
Most Improved - U17 Boys Mambas
Arlando Temete
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Anacondas
James McDonald
Most Improved - U17 Boys Anacondas
Stanley Mayes
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Taipans
Will Sutton
Most Improved - U17 Boys Taipans
Lincoln Gervasi
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Venom
Ethan Flood
Most Improved - U17 Boys Venom
Costa Cacciaola
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Adders
Archie Moore
Most Improved - U17 Boys Adders
Clark Hayden-Smith
Most Valuable - U17 Boys Boas
Lincoln Schaeche
Most Improved - U17 Boys Boas
Jackson Ware
Most Valuable - U21 Boys Vipers
Cameron McGreavy
Most Improved - U21 Boys Vipers
Taj Grey
Most Valuable - U21 Boys Cobras
Jamie Legg
Most Improved - U21 Boys Cobras
Philip Ndubisi
Most Valuable - U21 Boys Mambas
Callum Marlow
Most Improved - U21 Boys Mambas
Ned Lauenstein
Most Valuable - U21 Boys Lakers
Yunus Ay
Most Improved - U21 Boys Lakers
Toby Jenness
Most Valuable - U21 Boys Venom
Michael Dimstrijedski
Most Improved - U21 Boys Venom
Georgia Fleming
Most Valuable - Open Girls Vipers
Mia Bitzios
Most Improved - Open Girls Vipers
Kiarna Jeffrey
Most Valuable - Open Girls Lakers
Kate Harrison
Most Improved - Open Girls Lakers